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Przetłumaczycie mi ten tekst z angielskiego na polski?

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It's Friday evening and the Tennant family are at home in front of the TV. The programme is fascinating-they haven't moved for an hour. In fact, they seem to be stuck to the sofa, unable to move!They've been watching Derren Brown. He's the hypnotist whose weekly TV show attracts milions of viewers. In the programme, which is live, Brown has tried to hypnotise the audience so that they can't stand up. It's a huge experiment in mind control. Hypnotising people through the TV is very unusual athough we've probably all seen hypnosis acts on TV. The hypnotist uses methods like swinging a watch, counting backwards or repeating phrases to make people 'sleep'. Then the hypnotist makes the people, who are shy become sociable. Introverts become extroverts. People  imagine they are animals, and so on. These changes in people's behaviour, which are funny and entertaining for the audience, are temporary. The volunteers don't become creative or clever if they weren't like that before. And after the show, they can't remember what they've been doing.To jest fragment tekstu z mojej książki potrzebuje go przetłumaczyć aby zdać na jutro xdd więc <ładnie_prosi> z tłumacza google nie chcę korzystać :/
pytanie zadane 11 czerwca 2013 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland