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Silicone Trivet and Mat suppliers

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At the end of the 19th century, the emergence of automobiles and automobile tires promoted the vigorous development of the rubber industry. It has been more than 100 years since then, and such products have become more and more common in our lives. And you can see our products silicone trivet for cookware, it is must be high quality for you.
Silicone trivet for cookware
OriginJiaxing, Zhejiang, China
Size175mm x 175mm x 3.2mm
ColorCustomizable, including red, blue, black, and so on.
Temperature-58鈩?to +482鈩?(-50鈩?to +250鈩?
Features and details
1. The hollow structure can make the product dissipate heat faster.
2. It is made from silicone, and Excellent heat resistance, cold resistance, dielectric properties, ozone resistance and atmospheric aging resistance.
3. The outstanding performance of silicone rubber is that it can be used in a wide range of temperatures and used for a long time from -50掳C to +250掳C.
The company has a strong research and development team, production team and modern production equipment.
The silicone products have some certifications which you can see.
1. You can ask the relevent message of the products.
2. We can supply professional service, and you can accord to it to use the product correctly.
3. We have a service section.
Q: How to use the products correctly锛?/p>
A: As mentioned above, you can ask our professional servicer.
Q: why cake pops crack?
A: The cake will burst badly because the temperature is too high, or the batter is not mixed evenly, and the density of the top and bottom is not the same.
Q: How many products do you manufacture?
A: At present, it is more than 200 pieces.Silicone Trivet and Mat suppliers
pytanie zadane 6 marca 2023 w Elektronika, RTV i AGD przez użytkownika Asadwewb4 (150)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland