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Advantages of O-rings

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Advantages of O-rings
O-rings are rubber sealing rings with a circular cross-section. Because their cross-section is O-shaped, they are called O-form sealing rings, also known as O-rings. It began to appear in the middle of the 19th century when it was used as the sealing element of the steam engine cylinder. O-rings are suitable for installation on various mechanical equipment, and they can seal under the specified temperature, pressure and different liquid and gas media in the static or moving state. Various types of sealing elements are widely used in machine tools, ships, automobiles, aerospace equipment, metallurgical machinery, chemical machinery, engineering machinery, construction machinery, mining machinery, petroleum machinery, plastic machinery, agricultural machinery and various instruments. O-rings still play a good sealing and damping role in oil, acid, alkali, abrasion, chemical erosion and other environments. Therefore, O-rings are the most widely used seals in the hydraulic and pneumatic transmission system. Compared with other types of sealing rings, O-rings have the following advantages:

1. Suitable for various sealing forms, including static sealing and dynamic sealing
2. Suitable for various materials, with standardized dimensions and grooves and strong interchangeability
3. Suitable for a variety of motion modes: rotary motion, axial reciprocating motion or combined motion (such as rotary reciprocating combined motion)

4. Suitable for many different sealing media: oil, water, gas, chemical media or other mixed media
5. By selecting suitable rubber materials and proper formula design, it can effectively seal oil, water, air, gas and various chemical media. The temperature range is wide (-60℃ - +220℃), and the pressure can reach 1500Kg/cm2 (used together with reinforcing ring) in fixed use

6. Simple design, compact structure and convenient assembly and disassembly
pytanie zadane 29 lipca 2022 w Rodzina i znajomi przez użytkownika as852177 (150)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland