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Organic fertilizers are soil nutrient supplements that are minimally processed and whose nutrients remain in their natural forms. This is quite unlike chemical fertilizer, whose nutrients are extracted and refined.

This type of fertilizer is made from animal and plant waste, and powdered minerals. Manure, compost, bone meal, and cottonseed meal are good examples. These natural lawn care options can be processed in a factory, or, in the case of manure and compost, on a farm.

Here are five reasons why you should consider using natural options to take care of your lawn.

They Improve the Soil Structure: Natural fertilizer is incredibly essential to the soil. Over time, as it breaks down and decomposes, it improves the soil structure and its ability to retain nutrients. This improves the quality of the soil, making it ideal for the cultivation of strong, healthy plants. You’re trying to accomplish a lush, green backyard? Organic lawn care services should get you there.

They are Safe for Your Plants: Natural fertilizer slowly releases nutrients into the soil. Due to its slow-release property, it’s almost impossible to overwhelm and poison your plants with manure. This is a significant advantage over chemical fertilizers, with which it is possible to over-fertilize and harm your plants.

Natural Fertilizer is Environmentally Sustainable: Chemical fertilizers are soluble in water. Because of this, excess, unused fertilizer is washed away by rain, eventually entering groundwater and polluting lakes and streams. Organic fertilizer, on the other hand, doesn’t pose such risks. It is renewable and biodegradable, making it environmentally sustainable. Because it is natural, there are no risks of toxic salt and chemical buildups, which could endanger the plants on your lawn. In addition, it improves the soil’s moisture-retaining properties. This reduces the likelihood of bleaching.

Natural fertilizer ensures that your plants get the nutrients they need. At the same time, it helps improve the quality of the soil by enhancing its moisture and nutrient-retaining properties. Nearly 90% of real estate agents encourage homeowners to invest in their landscaping before they place their house on the market. This is the surest way of getting the most out of the deal.
pytanie zadane 27 lipca 2022 w Ekologia i rolnictwo przez użytkownika as852176 (150)

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