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An office chair to influence the sitting behavior of office workers

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An office chair to influence the sitting behavior of office workers

Since the introduction of ergonomic guidelines in the design of office chairs, a lot of effort has been put in designing these office chairs accordingly. Because these features all have to be adjusted in different ways (mostly a knob underneath the seat surface), and because every office chair offers different solutions, often users do not use all of the adjustments, and thus do not use the office chair an the optimal ergonomic way. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of feedback on sitting habits of office workers in a field test during 4 weeks. 40 office workers were selected for this test (13 male, 27 female). They were divided in three groups. A control group, a group that received a sitting instruction and a group that received sitting instruction and feedback on their posture every hour that they sit. The results show that there is an effect in average increase in basic posture on both the group that received instruction and the group that received feedback. This effect decreases over time. There was no effect in the control group.

10 important features of a good home office chair
As more people work from home and question whether the office is still relevant, correctly setting up your home office is critical for your long-term health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the right equipment, namely a comfortable home office chair, desk, lighting and monitor. Health experts have proven that your sitting posture can have a huge impact on whether you suffer from back, neck, shoulder and other health related issues. The 5 consequences of sitting on the wrong chair. Your chair is therefore the critical item in your home office and the setup of your work area must start with your chair. A good posture is the key to avoiding and relieving back, neck and shoulder pain. How to adjust your office chair to create a healthy sitting posture;Every desk chair has some adjustment features, but which ones are important to maintain a healthy posture? In this article, I will explain which features are necessary on a home office chair so that you can make an informed decision before making your purchase.

You should be able to adjust the height of your chair to suit your own height and the desk you will be using it at.,Probably the most important feature of any chair is the level of back support. Everybody has a different shape back and each person will need support in different areas. Back support for office chairs – User guide.Both mesh and upholstered backrests are popular, and really its a matter of personal choice. A good mesh backrest like that on the Vera chair, Good lumbar support is essential to minimise strain;The seat must include High-Density injection moulded foam because it provides additional support, is longer lasting, and will not collapse after a short period of use;When you sit properly in the chair, there should be a gap of 2-3 fingers between the front edge of the seat and the inside of your knees. If a number of people of different heights are going to use the chair in your home office, consider one that has seat depth adjustment. This feature allows you to make the seat shorter or deeper depending upon the height of the user;If you have limited space in your home office, armrests may restrict your movement. However, if you do have sufficient space, consider getting a chair with armrests as they improve the overall ergonomics of your work space;Make sure all the important adjustment controls on your home office chair can easily be reached from a seated position;Chair castors give you effortless mobility, but make sure to get the right ones for your floor;Headrests are also popular for gaming or relaxing in the chair, especially when the backrest has been reclined.
pytanie zadane 21 lipca 2022 w Rodzina i znajomi przez użytkownika as852173 (150)

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