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Special Materials Adhesive Stickers

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An adhesive sticker is a small piece of paper designed to be affixed to any surface such as paper, plastic, wood, glass, or metal, typically by the action of a layer of adhesive on the front or back of the label.

Ordinary Paper Adhesive Sticker is a small piece of ordinary paper designed to stick to any surface.

Fluorescent Paper Adhesive Sticker is a small sheet of paper with a fluorescent surface designed to stick to any surface.

Aluminized-foil Paper Adhesive Sticker is a general-purpose label for multi-color product labels, suitable for high-end information labels for medicine, food, and stationery.

PET Film Adhesive Sticker is also known as polyester film sticker. It has an excellent ability of tensile resistance and tearing strength, great high-temperature resistance. It is an information sticker for toilet supplies, cosmetics, electrical appliances, and mechanical products, especially suitable for high temperature products.

PE Film Adhesive Sticker is a adhesive sticker made of a continuous thin plastic material. It is an information sticker for toilet products, cosmetics and other extruded packaging.

PP Film Adhesive Sticker is suitable for information stickers for toilet products and cosmetics, suitable for thermal transfer printing.

Laser Film Adhesive Sticker is also a universal label for multi-color product labels, which is suitable for high-end information labels for stationery and decorations.

There are many kinds of Special Materials Adhesive Stickers, such as synthetic paper, metal aluminum sheet, white textile, various composite materials and so on. Different adhesive stickers have different functions, and you can refer to them.

Thermal Transfer Ribbon is basically a polyester film on which are coated different layers. Ink layer is transferred to the label thanks to the heat delivered by the thermal head of the thermal printer.
pytanie zadane 4 lipca 2022 w Przyroda i zwierzęta przez użytkownika As852163 (150)

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