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Non-standard Customization

0 głosów
Fastener Parts are hardware devices that mechanically joins or affixes two or more objects together.

Bolts and Screws are fasteners. A bolt is a non-tapered fastener that uses a washer and nut to hold objects together. A screw is a tapered fastener that mates with an existing thread or creates its own thread in a material as it turns.

For Non-standard Customization, customers need to send us detailed requirements for evaluation in writing as soon as possible. For products for special purposes, some parts require import or special processing requirements It may take longer to develop.

Stamping Parts are forming and processing methods that apply external force to sheets, strips, pipes and profiles by means of presses and dies, which can cause plastic deformation or separation to obtain workpieces (stamping parts) of desired shape and size.
pytanie zadane 30 czerwca 2022 w Przyroda i zwierzęta przez użytkownika as852161 (140)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland