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Innosilicon Miner Innosilicon Miner

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An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miner is a computerized device or hardware that uses ASICs for the sole purpose of mining bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. In general, an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is optimized to compute just a single function or set of related functions.

Antminers are simply Bitcoin mining hardware. They are considered to be the most powerful mining hardware in the world. There are Antminers for different cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, ZEC, and Etherium.

The WhatsMiner M32 is part of MicroBT's M30 family of next generation ASIC miner released in December 2019. The M32 operates within a 5% range of 66 TH/s with a power consumption of 50W/T, according to MicroBT.

Avalon Miner is a private venture focusing on near term development of some of the most promising mining projects in Asia. Avalon Miner will uphold the highest environmental and social standards.

Innosilicon Miner focuses on ASIC Research & development and Smart Server is in charge of handling the miner shipments from now on.

In addition to the above products, we also produce Goldshell for customers to choose from.
pytanie zadane 29 czerwca 2022 w Prawo przez użytkownika as852160 (150)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland