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shjumpmachine shjumpmachine

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The fruit processing line refers to the cleaning, lifting, sorting, crushing, peeling and pitting, beating and other pre-processing of the original fruit, to vacuum concentration, ultra-high temperature sterilization, aseptic filling to aseptic large bags of concentrated sauce or concentrated juice and other production lines of all or part of the equipment.The food sterilizing machine is a machine that takes food raw materials and processed products as the object. Through the sterilization and sterilization of microorganisms, the main factors that cause food deterioration, to stabilize food quality, effectively prolong the shelf life of food, and reduce the The number of harmful bacteria in food is surviving, and the ingestion of live bacteria can cause human (usually intestinal) infection or pre-produced bacterial toxins in food to cause human poisoning. The material is heated to 138-150°C through a casing heat exchanger in a continuous flow state, and is maintained at this temperature for a certain time (2-4 seconds) to achieve commercial sterility levels, and then in a sterile state. Filled in sterile packaging containers in a sterile environment. The entire sterilization process is completed in an instant at high temperature, which completely kills microorganisms and spores that can cause material spoilage and deterioration, and at the same time, greatly preserves the original flavor and nutrients of the food. This strict processing technology and precise processing method of equipment can effectively prevent the secondary pollution of food and greatly prolong the shelf life of the product. The UHT process preferably adopts the in-line casing heat exchanger sterilization system, because of its reliable working performance under high steam pressure and ultra-high temperature, especially the continuous working time can be as long as more than ten hours, thus achieving better performance than plate type heat exchangers.

A juice extracting machine, also known as a juice extractor, is a tool used to extract juice from fruits, herbs, leafy greens and other types of vegetables in a process called juicing. It crushes, grinds, and/or squeezes the juice out of the pulp. Some types of juicers can also function as a food processor. Most of the twin gear and horizontal masticating juicers have attachments for crushing herbs and spices, extruding pasta, noodles or bread sticks, making baby food and nut butter, grinding coffee, making nut milk, etc. Juice extracting machines are used for squeezing juice from citrus such as grapefruits, lemons, limes, and oranges. Juice is extracted by pressing or grinding a halved citrus along a juicer's ridged conical center and discarding the rind. Some reamers are stationary and require a user to press and turn the fruit, while others are electrical, automatically turning the ridged center when fruit is pressed upon.
pytanie zadane 24 czerwca 2022 w Edukacja przez użytkownika as852151 (140)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland