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Metal Braces, Conventional Braces or Traditional Braces are the most popular and most common form of braces. They consist of metal brackets, rubber bands and an archwire that is fixated to the front of the teeth, using a special dental glue. They are typically made of high-quality stainless steel.

Metal braces are a cost-effective option that provides fun coloured rubber bands choices, making this a particularly good brace option for kids and teenagers.

There are some key advantages that metal braces have over other brace options:

1.Strength. Metal is very strong compared to other orthodontic brackets. Plastic and ceramic brackets, on the other hand, are more fragile and break easily, so they may have to be replaced a few times throughout the treatment process.

2.Affordability. Traditional braces remain as one of the most affordable treatment option.

3.Versatility. Metal braces can tackle the most and severe cases of misaligned, crooked, spaced out and crowded teeth. Unfortunately, other options are not as versatile.

4.Variety. Metal braces are now available in various designs and colours, adding some fun and variety while wearing them.

5.Speed. A metal brace treatment is typically faster than other brace options.

To make an informed decision, it is important to review all available brace types and options with an expert.

Ceramic Braces: Pros and Cons
Ceramic braces are similar to metal braces, but they use clear or tooth-colored ceramic orthodontic brackets rather than gray or metallic silver brackets and wires.Many people opt for ceramic braces because they’re less noticeable on your teeth than metal braces. This can be a huge advantage if you’re considering braces and don’t want to feel self-conscious about wearing them.But ceramic braces also come with some downsides.Read on to learn more.

Pros and cons of ceramic braces

Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of ceramic braces, especially compared to traditional metal braces.


-They’re less visible than metal braces. The ceramic material used in these braces can be either clear or tooth-colored.

-They move teeth faster than clear aligners (Invisalign). Ceramic braces take about 18 to 36 months to straighten your teeth. Popular clear-alignment methods can take a year or longer to work, even if your teeth don’t require much correction. Also, clear-alignment methods don’t work for severe cases of misalignment or malocclusion (a crooked bite).

-You can choose your colors. Metal braces only come in one color: gray (or shiny metallic silver, if it’s available). Ceramic braces are available in nearly any color imaginable.

-They don’t interfere with imaging tests. Metal braces can disrupt signals in imaging tests. Ceramic braces produce much less signal interferenceTrusted Source.


-They’re more expensive than metal braces. Ceramic braces can cost at least $1,000 to $2,000 more than metal braces.

-They may cause gum sensitivity. Ceramic brackets are larger than metal brackets. This can make it harder to clean around your brackets, leading to swollen gums or receding gums if your toothbrush doesn’t reach the enamel and gumline.

-They’re slightly less durable than metal. Ceramic braces are more than twice as likely to break offTrusted Source or fracture. The process of removing the glue (debonding) has also been known to cause damage to your tooth surface (enamel).

-They move teeth slower than metal. Because they’re more fragile, having to repair broken brackets or make incremental adjustments at each appointment can delay the straightening process.

-They may stain. The elastic ties holding the wire to the brackets can stain easily and remain stained until they’re replaced.

3.Who’s a good candidate for ceramic braces?

Ceramic braces are recommended if all of your adult teeth have come in and you’ve mostly stopped growing. This ensures a quick correction and a lower chance of brackets breaking due to the strain of tooth movement.

Ceramic braces are a good choice if you want your braces to be subtle. Because they’re usually tooth-colored or white, they’re less noticeable. This makes them ideal for straightening your teeth if you work a full-time job or attend college and don’t want to draw attention to them.
pytanie zadane 21 czerwca 2022 w Ekologia i rolnictwo przez użytkownika as852146 (145)

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