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What is a Blister Packing Machine?

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Blister machines are special machines that are used as unit-dose packaging for tablets, capsules, etc. The device has a ; component of a bubble pack that may be a cavity or pocket made up of a formable film, usually a thermoformed plastic or cold-formed aluminum film. This usually features a lidding seal of aluminum foil.

In other words, this is an electromechanical machine that has both moving and stationary parts that aid in packaging and sealing products in pre-formed cavities.

The mechanical movements facilitate the formation of sized cavities on packaging material, filling, and sealing with appropriate materials.

Using different packaging materials and principles of forming, Blister Packs could also be divided into three types: aluminum/plastic (thermoforming) bubble pack, aluminum/aluminum (cold forming) bubble pack, and aluminum/plastic/aluminum bubble pack.

Advantages :

If you are in food, drugs, or chemical industries, chances are you may not be sure whether to buy a blister packaging machine or not. To make things crystal clear, here are the top benefits of using a blister packaging machine:

1. Guarantees product integrity: At this point, you can tell that this blister packing is used for very sensitive applications. They include food and drug industries. Blister packs provide an air-tight seal to the products. They won’t be exposed to moisture nor air. ; In doing so, the end product will retain its quality.

2. Tamper proof: Lister packages cannot be interfered with by any external physical forces. This also goes a long way in preserving the integrity of the pills and capsules.

3. Cost-effective: Blister packaging can save you a significant amount of money, especially when you want to cut down on the cost of packing capsules and pills. It is cheaper than plastic packaging.

4. Accurate dosage: Since the pills and tablets are in their designated packages, maintaining the accuracy of the dosage won’t be a challenge in any way. It will be easy for one to keep track of the drug dosage.

5. Improves identification: As we have stated, labeling is one of the activities that are highlighted by the blister packing machine process. It ensures that the products are easily identified by their names among other information.


Tissue Machine
Due to the constant increase in demand, tissue paper together with packaging products are promising sectors in the paper industry. Tissue paper making involves huge machinery industrially. ;

In the tissue machines, there are four main types of forming sections - a crescent former, twin-wire, suction breast roll, and Fourdrinier. The most common forming section for tissue grades, nowadays is the crescent former, as it provides a superior ability to run at high speeds. The twin-wire promotes efficient dewatering and good control of fiber orientation. The dewatering is controlled by suction in a suction breast roll former so that the water is drained from the space between the wire and the top of the headbox. In Fourdrinier, dewatering happens in a single direction through the web by suction and gravity and is limited in speed.

To increase the consistency to the range of 15% to 25%, vacuum systems, such as suction boxes or suction rolls, are usually used. The creping process is a very important step for the production of tissue products with higher bulk, absorbency, softness, and stretch.

To decrease limitations in tissue machine speed caused by variable crepe in the TAD process at higher speeds, UCTAD was developed. Similarly, DRC was developed to produce a product that is similar to a two-ply product from a single tissue sheet. In the early 2000s, ATMOS was developed. The goal of this energy-efficient process was to use mechanical means to dewater the sheet to 34% to 38%, before contact with Yankee. To overcome some of the limitations of ATMOS, NTT was designed by pressing at even higher pressures before transferring to Yankee. Before transferring to the Yankee, initial production has indicated the ability to achieve 45% consistency, which has reduced the Yankee Hood drying load as compared to ATMOS.
pytanie zadane 10 czerwca 2022 w Hobby przez użytkownika as852122 (150)

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