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Where can PVC panels be used?

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There are a variety of places in which PVC panels can be installed around the home. One of the most popular is the bathroom, where the panels can be installed on the ceiling or floor. Bathroom PVC panels can also be used to create a wet room.

Along with their popular use in bathrooms, PVC panels can also be used on kitchen walls. Their easy-to-clean nature means that any spillages can be wiped and removed instantly without leaving a permanent mark.

The Benefits of PVC Walls
When it comes to our homes, many people try to keep up-to-date with current interior design trends whilst ensuring that they’re practical and visually attractive.

PVC wall panels are becoming increasingly popular for this reason. Simply put, these panels, made of PVC material, can come in a variety of patterns and designs and are becoming preferential over other wall alternatives such as tiles or paint.

The advantages of PVC walls

PVC panels provide homeowners with many benefits, including:


Due to its material, this type of wall panel is easy to clean. Any marks or stains on the panel can be removed instantly with a damp cloth and some dish soap, making them last much longer than other bathroom walling solutions.

PVC panels are also much more hygienic than other wall types. This is because once they have been installed in your bathroom or kitchen, the panels are mildew-resistant and prevent bacteria from growing.

Because PVC panels are such low maintenance, they’re a fantastic alternative for busy homeowners, who are looking to reduce the time they spend cleaning traditional tiled walls.

Waterproof and fire-resistant

In a bathroom or busy kitchen environment, it’s essential that the walls you have installed are waterproof and won’t be damaged by condensation or splashes of water.

As is often the case with painted walls, a humid environment can cause paint to break down and peel off the wall. However, PVC panels are designed to be completely water-resistant, meaning that they’re safe to use in a wet room

As well as being waterproof, these panels are also fire-resistant, so are safe to install in your home. You can also purchase internal fire-resistant cladding panels for your bathroom ceiling – and these are available in a variety of effects.

Easy installation

Unlike tiles, the traditional wall of choice for older properties, PVC panels are extremely easy to install. So much so that if you have a bit of DIY knowledge, you could even install them yourself!

This easy installation comes as a result of the panels covering a much larger surface area than tiles. They don’t require grout to be used, making them a fantastic alternative to tiled bathroom walls.
pytanie zadane 9 czerwca 2022 w Ekologia i rolnictwo przez użytkownika as852120 (150)

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