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Pros and Cons of Using Landscape Fabric

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Pros and Cons of Using Landscape Fabric

    Whether you call it[url=http://www.goldsunplastic.com/landscape-fabric/] landscaping fabric[/url], weed block or weed barrier fabric, ask any landscaper or gardener how they feel about its use and they’ll probably have a strong opinion.

    Landscape fabric is often promoted as the solution to the bane of every gardener’s existence – weeds. Not only does it supposedly block unwanted weed growth,  but best of all, you don’t have to worry about weeding for what seems like years.

    Unfortunately, and like with many advertised products, this isn’t exactly true.

    Landscaping fabric definitely has its pros and cons when it comes to its use.

    Pros of Landscape Fabric

    Some of the benefits of using landscaping fabric include:

            Keeps inorganic mulches like rocks from sinking into the soil.
            Prevents weed seeds covered by fabric from sprouting.
            Reduces the need for herbicidal weed control.
            Works well on slopes where erosion is a problem.
            Helps the soil retain moisture.

    Cons of Landscape Fabric

    Some of the cons of using landscaping fabric include:

            Over time, decomposing particles of mulch and soil clog the perforations in the cloth, which keep adequate amounts of water and air from reaching the plant roots leading to the plant’s decline.
            Earthworms, which aerate the soil, don’t develop, leading to compacted and unhealthy soil.
            The fabric acts as a barrier to organic materials biodegrading in the soil, which lead to an unhealthier soil structure.
            Weeds can still grow in the mulch used to cover the fabric.
            Landscape fabric is time-consuming to install, especially around existing plantings.
pytanie zadane 7 czerwca 2022 w Turystyka i gastronomia przez użytkownika as852126 (145)

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