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Covered Yarn Covered Yarn

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Covered Yarn
When talking about [url=http://www.kjsyarn.com/covered-yarn/]covered yarn[/url], one talks basically about  elastane  yarns that have at least one more yarn wrapped around. Covering however is not exclusively applied to elastane, sometimes also fine wires are covered.
There are two purposes of covering a yarn: one needs an elasticity which normal textile yarn cannot provide while one would still like to keep the apperance of the textile yarn. This is the case for covering  elastane  where most often a textile Polyester / Polyamide / ... is wrapped around the elastane core.  

    Covering a yarn can also be in order to hide something. This is most often the case when covering fine wires. The yarn that is wrapped around gives the looks whereas the core (the fine wire) still provides the functionality (like conductivity).

    Single covered yarns are yarns where a second yarn is wrapped around a core yarn.
Double covered yarns are yarns where two separate yarns are wrapped around a core yarn.

    The second layer of wrapping mainly serves to compensate the twist direction of the first layer.
With air covered yarns, the outer yarn is intermingled around the core yarn.
pytanie zadane 6 czerwca 2022 w Motoryzacja i maszyny przez użytkownika as852124 (155)

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