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Projekt z angielskiego - może mi ktoś sprawdzić?

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Od razu ostrzegam, że z angielskiego jestem beznadziejna i robię dużo bezsensownych błędów, więc jakiekolwiek komentarze typu "O matko! Ile błędów" są zbędne.I have prepared a project "Warsaw or London? What is better to visit?" I'll show you a few places, which you should visit, if you're interested in sport, theatre or art.One of the most beautiful monuments in London is Saint Paul's cathedral. Masses take place only on Sundays and in Christmas. In the cathedral is a few galleries, which are noteworthy. In Warsaw, we have a beautiful Saint Anna's church. As the only contains up four elements of architectural styles: Gothic, Classicism, Baroque and renaissance.If you are keen on politics, you should visit The Palace of Westminster. It's a seat of Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Worth visiting is also Buckingham Palace - residence of kings. Currently the palace is inhabited by Elizabeth II. In front of the palace you can see a famous ceremony the changing of the guard.Hungry for learning find something for themselves in Tussauds London Planetarium - mine of information about astronomy. You can see there models of Einstein's and Galileo's theory. In addition you can see there astronomy props. In Warsaw similar place is Copernicus center, which arouses curiosity and lets us understand the world through play. You can there play the laser harp.If you love art, a perfect place for you will be National Gallery. It has the most valuable collection of paintings from almost all eras.Sport fans should visit a famous Stadion Wembley, where take place big football matches and concerts of world artists.A very important place, which is recommendable is Warsaw Uprising Museum. An interesting and rich exhibition shows fight during uprising and ordinary everyday life during the occupation.For theatre fans a good place is National Theatre - the oldest theater in Poland. You can watch there brilliant plays with famous and respected actors.Other interesting place is Multimedia Fountain Park - a magic of  music and lights. A main attraction are dancing water jets and a water screen. In London is a famous museum of waxworks - Madame Tussauds. Visitors can admire known and respected people. Poland is represented by Pope John Paul II and Lech Wałęsa.On Sunday I propose go to Łazienki. It's a beautiful park with a lot of monuments. Łazienki is a very nice place in Warsaw - there you can rest from the bustle of the big city.In my opinion both cities are recommendable, because they are rich in interesting places. Everybody, regardless of age and hobbies, can find there something fascinating. Therefore I invite to visit both London and Warsaw.
pytanie zadane 1 czerwca 2013 w Zadania domowe przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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