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Dlaczego teksty niektórych piosenek są takie dziwne?

0 głosów
When you have no ammoThat's kind of sad.The game where you're dyingIt's the best I've ever hadYou're screaming Suka!Over a Russian beatGetting a sudden headshotWhat the f*cking sh*tWe are playing Counter StrikeThat's the story of my lifeWe are playing Counter StrikeThat's the story of my lifeWe are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)We are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)Suka-Suka Terrorists!We're gonna kill the beastDavai, comrades Rush B!Altogether -- you and meA guy just took me M4Brat get down on the floorThere is a f*cking western Spy!Blyat {...}, Davai Davai!We are playing Counter StrikeThat's the story of my lifeWe are playing Counter StrikeThat's the story of my lifeWe are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)We are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)We are playing Counter StrikeWe are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)We are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)We are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)We are playing Counter Strike (Go go go)(Terrorists win!)
pytanie zadane 8 sierpnia 2019 w Hobby przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland