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Ansel Dadswell-   ex-best hunter around the world. He was so good that people were hiring him to hunt and kill the most dangerous animals around the world. He hunted down a herd of angry elephants, a cannibal crocodile, an aggressive gorilla, a herd of wild boars destroying the field and much more. However one day he lost. It was in  South Africa where one village was terrorized by a great white lion. Ansel as always believed in himself and attacked the beast. Unfortunately, this time animal was better and it scratched and bitten him so much that only quickly medical help saved his life. But after this nothing was the same. He lost his honor and title. He became laughingstock. Of course, he tried back to the game but someone took his place.  He wanted to kill this same lion but beast already died.  That's why with time he started falling into madness. He started looking for perfect prey but before he could hunt them down his rival did it first. One day he heard about tumor in tv and made up obsession that he became his perfect prey which  will help  him took his title back. he spent the remnants of his money, on knifes and bullets from durabilitum (the world's toughest metal) and began hunting at tumor
pytanie zadane 28 marca 2019 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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