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-Hey, did you miss me?- Next he miss himand he moved to the lead  After a few second he turned into the double bend. Driver followed him trying to missed him but ben blocking him the road. That’ s why after a few minutes driver changed the course and he started doing the same maneur which ben did a few minuted ago on the cross.  At the same time Ben drove on the simple road and he approach to the third building   where was the bomb. He started slowing down. When he was under the building  he again separated himself on two part and threw one of this part toward the building. Next he turned second gear at the same moment  his rival left the street and turned violently, raising a cloud of dust.  Ben again accelerated  and he started chasing him. They both were close to the end. Second driver turned  on violenly on the second bend and turned over the trash which rolled to the road. Ben must violently changed a course. He lost control but only on a few seconds . Next he back on the middle of the road and accelerated. However he lost the second driver from the view b. Ben accelerated  and  started violently  driving  into the next bends which were very straight on this road. But ben ignored it he didn't know how much time he  was having. At the some moment he again saw the second driver who was a few meters away. Ben accelerated and started catching up with him.
pytanie zadane 7 grudnia 2018 w Kultura i sztuka przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland