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Czy ktoś poprawiłby mi gramatykę w tym tekście?

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Jeśli coś byłoby nie zrozumiałe to pisać wyjaśnieNow Ben and rest  should have training but after p.e everybody were too tired and sore. That’s why Nofi  made the decision to conduct another form of training.  Now they were in the room with the big tv and they watching records from their other missions.  Of course this wasn’t only presentation of their big successes, more it was presentation of their small and bigger  failures. The most  embarrassed was Cooper who had a few little   and  sometime very funny mishaps. However   Ben also had a few mishaps. largely due to his ill-advised actions. And only Gwen looked like a responsible people but she also made up  a few stupid decisions. Now they  were watching movie from their last fight against  cosmic creature. Ben as Multistrike just grabbed one of big tentacles and pulled creature toward him. At the same moment  he hit him with both left arms. This hit turned back the creature on a few meters. Gwen in last moment created two mana walls which protected  a group of  panicked civilians. At the same moment Nofi paused the movie. She looked at Ben and asked him.-What was wrong with this what you done?- Ben looked at Nofi and at the movie and replied     - I should pay more attention to civilians.  but I had to did something before this  creature destroy a city.     - Ok I agree with you  but you had a few other options.     - And I had a lot of time on analysed all of it- Ben said with a sarcasm.    - - I too made  a few mistake in my life but with time I learned up how don’t made it again.    - So maybe you will say us . What you would do in my situation    -Well..  I would throw this beast out of the city.    - It sound logical. Yes it was something what I should done. –     - I know it  and this lesson should teach you how made up decision like these quickly.- After this words Nofi again  turned on the movie. After Ben hit the beast stopped on a truck with a gasoline. Everybody thought that it was end but suddenly beast  started standing up. It was moment when Cooper in panic attacked it with a  laser weapon. A few shot hit in the beast. However one of it fallen down  on the gasoline and  it set it on fire. Gwen in last moment noticed  a man in a cabine
pytanie zadane 14 listopada 2018 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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