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Wake up to the blue sky,Grable us shades and lets go for a ride,Breakfast by the ocean,We'll do lunch at sunset an vine,Everyday I’m dreaming in CaliforniaEvery nights starts come out to playWish that I can always follow this wayThere is something about the sunshine babyI'm seein you in the whole new lightOut of this world for the first time, babyOooh, it's alrightThere's something about the sunshine (2x)In Hollywood we're rockin inA Malibu we hang out and ChillIt's all about the shoppinFrom Melrose to Beverly HillsEverywhere is a scene and now we're in itI don't wanna paint this town aloneWhen I see you smile I always feel at homeThere is something about the sunshine babyI'm seein you in the whole new lightAnd he's a breeze with the palm tree swayingOooh, it's alrightNever to hear (never to hear)It's suddenly clear (it's suddenly clear)The sun's coming throught I never knowWhat ever I do, it's better with you(It's better with you)There is something about the sunshine babyI'm seein you in the whole new lightOut of this world for the first time, babyOooh, it's alrightThere is something about the sunshine babyI'm seein you in the whole new lightOut of this world for the first time, babyOooh, it's alrightThere is something about the sunshine babyI'm seein you in the whole new lightAnd he's a breeze with the palm tree swayingOooh, it's alright
pytanie zadane 9 lipca 2013 w Muzyka i rozrywka przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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