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Czy to jest dobrze napisane (angielski) ?

0 głosów
Supposing the Internet hadn’t been invented , my life would look completely different. It would affect the way I study because in the internet I can find a lot of information, it helps me in my homework. I don’t have to spend hours in the library because I can write in Google a phrase and I have all information I need. I’m glad that somebody was so smart and have invented the Internet. It’s really helpful. It would also affect the way I use my free time. In my free time I surf the Web. I can spend all the evening in this way. If the Internet hadn’t been invented, I would spent my evenings in other way. I think it would be more active time. I would spend more time with my friends and family, I would  go to the cinema or theatre more often and I would do more exercises to make my body fit and slim. To sum up, I think that internet is a really useful invention but we should use it in moderation because life is too beautiful to spend it at the computer.
pytanie zadane 14 czerwca 2013 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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