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What are textile slings and what are they used for?

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Heavy loads pose a great challenge for manual workers and can take loads of time to move around without the help of loading equipment. Textile slings are designed to make this work easier and they have been largely effective on this end. They are hooked to hoists and provide handling capabilities for heavy loads. They are used extensively on construction sites especially when the building under construction is bound to have at least a couple of floors.

Colour code of lifting slings

The colour coding system is part of the numerous regulations that the lifting operations industry has put in place to manage the use of different equipment. The regulations require that suitable marks are placed on the lifting equipment for safety purposes. One should know the safe working load limit to reduce the risk of injury they are exposed to. The sling cannot lift any load that is more than the working load limit. Different colour codes are used to indicate the limits of lifting slings.

Do textile slings expire?

Time does not single-handedly affect the durability of textile slings. Weather, use of slings as well as environmental conditions all play an active role in determining how long the slings will last. Storage conditions also influence the overall strength of the string and manufacturers to encourage consumers to provide optimum storage conditions.

Webbing slings are flat belts, usually manufactured to duplex level featuring double layers for extra safety. These slings are one of the most essential and common lifting accessories. Eye and eye, and endless webbing slings are the most popular and can be easily found in the market. These two types of webbing slings can assist your lifting project and can be used with many different configurations as explained below.

Eye and Eye webbing slings

This type of webbing sling has an eye shape on each of its end points, also, its flexible and light weight making this sling versatile, and for many the preferred sling. Eye and eye slings can also protect delicate loads and minimise the risk of damage, dents or scratches while the lifting action is being performed. They are also very easy to use with a choker, basket, or vertical configurations.

Endless web slings can be used in all three types of sling hitches. The sling can be rotated throughout its service life to minimise wear and avoid repetitive use damage.

Webbing-flat-Slings-All Lifting

All webbing slings can be found in two materials which can be nylon or polyester. Both of these materials will have the same strength and capacity to lift your load, however, you need to consider your options depending on the application as in some circumstances the sling will be exposed to acids or high/low temperatures.

Nylon webbing slings are able to assist when there is grease and oil present and this material has a very good resistance to certain chemicals, however acids, bleaching agents and temperatures over 194OF will drastically affect this type of sling. ;

Introduction to Round Slings
Round slings are an all-purpose lifting sling enabling a strong and non-damaging lift of a load. They are extremely light weight and flexible in multiple directions, allowing easy and quick manipulation even when fragile loads are being lifted. Round slings are a continuous loop made from polyester yarn encased in a sleeve of polyester fabric. The sleeve is constructed, so that it protects the internal rows of yarn filament and keeps them in a parallel formation at all times. The yarn fibre (core) is free to spread out where the round sling is in contact with its load. This provides a broad support, which cushions the load against damage and reduces slipping. The low stretch characteristics of the polyester yarn also prevent ‘load bounce’ when lifting.
pytanie zadane 9 czerwca 2022 w Prawo przez użytkownika as852121 (135)

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