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Czy te opisy są poprawnie po angielsku?

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Jestem praktykantką i za zadanie miałam przetłumaczyć stronę na język angielski, czy gramatycznie wszystko jest poprawnie? ABOUT USOur translation agency provides professional services for institutions, commercial entities and individual clients in the field of language services, including:-    written translations – regular and certified (official)-    interpreting – regular and certified (official)-    comprehensive support at events, international trade fairs, trainings etc.-    audiovisual translation of movies, advertising spots etc.-    language school (for more information visit www)-    other language services according to the client’s requirementsWHAT MAKES US SPECIAL?Many years of experience lets us provide the highest quality of both language and customer services, while attaching great importance to the correctness of the translation. We are also open for new tasks and language projects and can provide help wherever a person who speaks a foreign language perfectly is needed.If you are interested in a free quote, please contact us.SERVICES AND SPECIALIZATIONWe specialize in complex translation projects, mainly in legislative and legal texts from German to Polish and vice versa. Thanks to our cooperation with experienced translators of various specialties, we are able to provide general and certified translations into other European languages (English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian). Translations delivered by us include:-    agreements-    technical translations-    certificates-    court judgements and other decisions-    insurance policies-    administrative decisions-    private correspondence-    industry articles-    business correspondence and other commercial documents-    extracts from the commercial register-    annual reports and balance sheets-    certificates (marriage, adoption, birth, divorce, death certificates etc.)-    attestations-    official documents (driving licenses, vehicle registration documents)-    school, work certificates-    diplomas and many more…Texts for translation can be sent by e-mail, traditional mail or submitted in person at the office.It should be noted that in the case of certified translations, it is necessary to submit the translated document in the original.WHAT KIND OF TRANSLATION SHOULD YOU CHOOSE? It often happens that the client ordering the translation does not quite know whether he needs normal or certified translation. The translator cannot decide for himself whether he will do the regular or certified translation. It is therefore the client's responsibility to determine what kind of service he needs.In many countries, certified (sworn) translators are required to have a license. These certifications are valuable in the market or in the translator community, since they prove that the sworn translator can translate a document for official use. If a sworn translator changes the contents of a document on purpose, or the contents are flawed because of the translator’s negligence, the translator shall be held accountable.Regular translators - those who are not certified translators - cannot provide translations that public authorities accept as official documents. If you need a translation of a document and you use the services of a regular translator, authorities will not accept your translation as an authentic document.TRADE SHOW & EVENT SERVICESWe support trade shows in Poland and abroad. Language support consists of translating business and unofficial conversations, introducing clients to the product or service offered at trade shows and broadly definied informing clients. We accompanied our clients at trade shows in Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf.PRICESOne page of regular translation is 1800 characters, while one page of sworn translation is 1125 characters with spaces.Each started translation page is billed as a translated page.Due to the fact that texts have different content and come in different formats and are prepared using different types of fonts, for the purposes of determining the cost it is necessary to send the document for review. Only in this way we are able to set the price.Interpretation is calculated on an hourly basis. Flat-rate prices are set for larger orders.If you are interested in a free quote, please contact us.
pytanie zadane 17 września 2019 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland