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Co myślicie o tekście mojej piosenki?

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Witam. Ostatnio skończyłem pisać tekst piosenki i zamierzam zgrać to w całość. Możecie powiedzieć co myślicie o tekście tej piosenki?It comes in waves Just like thousand knives It comes to fracture vested trustA love to shatter and turn to ashI drag my name through the restless oceanTo take you backAnother shade of grey envelopes the horizonThe circle is rolling, you’re still hereBloodshot eyes and cloudy mindsThey do not let you stand on your foot againAnxious waters take us awayThey tear us apartShadows are capturing my soulIt hurts to surrender I won’t surrender!You can drag me six foot underSo I can fight for a life that I threw awayIn this moment of silence, clear the dissonance and recover me, cause I won’t surrenderFears suppressed exploit our lust And our memories turn to ashAnd when we reach to the pointOf things to say, there’s nothing left to save, do not resuscitateSo swallow your pride, yeah swallow your pride now!Hide all your feelings insideThere are some things that cannot be fixedAnxious waters take us awayThey tear us apartShadows are capturing my naked soulIt hurts to surrenderI won’t surrender Leeches lie in wait, but you’re blind to itA void that you create, it lives in youIt hurts to surrender It comes in wavesJust like thousand knives It comes to fracture vested trustA love to shatter and turn to ashI drag my name through the restless ocean To take you backIf only words could carry my painThose busy streets and empty corridors Just be the one who hear my criesLike the moon who craves the night You can drag me six foot under So I can fight for a life that I threw away In this moment of silence clear the air that you breath and recover me Cause I won’t surrender!
pytanie zadane 7 stycznia 2019 w Muzyka i rozrywka przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland