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Albo przynajmniej powiedział mi  czego nie zauważyłem po dwóch edycjach tekstu?The place looked like illegal garage where criminals hidden a stolen cars but  around wasn’t any car only very strange technologies.  Everything looking very futuristic and was totally strange between old chests and parts of a cars  The main part of this place was a desk created from  two oil barrels and old  planks. behind  it sat  fat, red hair man with a big  moustaches. In front of him stood a man with fair hair, and on the table lay a suitcase of money. They was ending illegal deal -    Well mr. L everything looked okay, I’ think that I have what you looking for.- Mr. L how the man called him  nodded and  he replied-    - Well done I hope that after your little modifications my car will be the fastest object in the universe -    -Your wish is our order mr L.- The  man stated with a smile.- Your car will be ready  on the next Sunday.-    - Sorry but maybe I did not express myself clearly…. I need it  tomorrow And I' m ready give you extra money if you  do this.- The man smilled and said.-    - Calm down mr  L extra money is not needed. I   wiill do this for a free, because I like racing. -    - Oh believed me,  my friend, It will be  race you never forget.-
pytanie zadane 6 listopada 2018 w Kultura i sztuka przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland