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Where to get UNS thread chart pdf?

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The attached PDF document (https://www.cnclathing.com/wp-content/uploads/uns%20thread%20chart%20pdf.pdf) from CNCLATHING provides a comprehensive chart detailing key specifications for the American National (Unified) screw thread standard. This standard, also known as the Unified Thread Standard (UTS), covers screw threads used for bolts, nuts, and other threaded fasteners in the United States.

The chart includes thread sizes ranging from #0 through 4-inch diameter. For each thread size, critical dimensions are provided including major diameter, minor diameter, pitch diameter limits, tap drill sizes, and thread pitch in threads per inch. Different classes of fit are covered as well.

In addition to inch sizes, metric designations are also included for reference. The metric designations follow the "M" convention indicating metric threads (e.g. M12 x 1.75).

This chart serves as a valuable technical reference for engineers, machinists, mechanics, and anyone involved in manufacturing or working with threaded fasteners. It provides the key thread data required to determine proper fit and gauge threads according to the Unified standard. Whether designing, machining, selecting hardware or inspecting threaded parts, this chart from CNCLATHING.COM makes the critical Unified thread dimensions easy to find.
pytanie zadane 23 lutego w Wybór szkoły przez użytkownika freebeat (145)

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