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The advantages of a concrete pump

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The advantages of a concrete pump
Concrete pump is a kind of concrete conveying equipment which can continuously convey concrete to pouring construction site through horizontal or vertical pipelines. It uses a motor or diesel engine as power used extensively in transferring liquid concrete by pumping it to the job site. And concrete pumping draws in all these benefits! Concrete pumping is the most accurate and quality way of pouring concrete exactly where it is needed. There are mainly two types of concrete pumps – boom pumps and line pumps. Both have specific applications. You need to pick the right type for a particular construction project you may have.The significant use of concrete pumps help in placing concrete quickly, even in the non- accessible areas. Following are merits of using concrete pumps in construction projects:

Ability to place concrete at far-off locations of a site, especially at heights.

Ability to change the location of pouring.

In specific projects, daily concrete of small quantities is required to be done at various places. e.g. Bridge projects/ dam projects.

Extremely low dependency on laborers.

Fast transportation of concrete from output point (transit mixer/ mixing m/c) to pouring point.

Where other concrete transporting mechanisms like crane/ trolley etc. are not feasible.

The pump does not depend on the availability of light, while other means of transporting concrete to placing points like crane or trolley require light for safe operation.
pytanie zadane 13 lipca 2022 w Społeczeństwo i organizacje przez użytkownika as852168 (145)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland