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Guillotine Shearing Machine

0 głosów
Laser Machine is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation.

Laser Cutting Machine is a technology that uses a laser to vaporize materials, resulting in a cut edge. While typically used for industrial manufacturing applications, it is now used by schools, small businesses, architecture, and hobbyists.

Pipe Bending Machine is a forming machine tool. Its purpose is to assemble a bend on a workpiece. A bend is manufactured by using a bending tool during a linear or rotating move. The detailed classification can be done with the help of the kinematics.

CNC Pipe Bending Machine is developed for high flexibility and low setup times. Those machines are able to bend single pieces as well as small batches with the same precision and efficiency as series-produced parts in an economical way.

An NC Pipe Bending Machine is equipped With an NC control unit with touch screen interface. Its operation Is easy-to-use with high bending accuracy. It is a practical semi-automatic solution for small to medium productions environments. It has up to nine programmable bends and eight length stoppers.

A press brake is a machine pressing tool for bending sheet and plate material, most commonly sheet metal. It forms predetermined bends by clamping the workpiece between a matching punch and die.

The Torsion Bar Press Brakes are optimal for the forming of parts with a low operation cost. Torsion Bar Press Brakes have Torsion bar synchronous NC two axis control capability just like our larger Press Brakes.

"Shearing machine" is a machine equipped with shearing cylinder, ledger blade, fluff exhaust, and joint seam sensors. The machine operates similarly to a lawn mower. Seam joint sensors prevent seams from being cut.

Guillotine Shearing Machine is a machine that can shear or cut various materials with a guillotine design. The word "guillotine" is associated with a blade that drops along a vertical track.

Typical materials cut with a Plasma Cutting Machine include steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and copper, although other conductive metals may be cut as well. It is often used in fabrication shops, automotive repair and restoration, industrial construction, and salvage and scrapping operations. Due to the high speed and precision cuts combined with low cost, plasma cutting sees widespread use from large-scale industrial CNC applications down to small hobbyist shops.
pytanie zadane 29 czerwca 2022 w Prawo przez użytkownika as852160 (150)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland