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Automation Pipette Tips

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High-Quality Pipette Tips for Automated Liquid Handlers. Molecular Biology Products provides automation tips that are engineered precisely to fit the exact specifications of major automation platforms.

With automated pipette tips, you can conveniently take out any given volume of liquid from the source through various methods: suction, aspiration, or dispensing the fluid on the container.

The Automation pipette tips ;are designed to correct the specifications, which makes sure the fit remains consistent. The most commonly used models in laboratories are the sterile filter pipette tips.

The above-mentioned tips come in various volumes, ranging from 50 microlitres to 1000 microlitres which also work well with small volume dispensing. The different types of tips help in working without concerning yourself with extremely viscous substances and contaminations.

The pipette tips are passed through a rigorous quality check to make sure consistency is maintained. Moreover, the coefficient of variation is kept low at 1-3% which helps keep the tips straightened. The Automated Pipette Tips are engineered with high-end specifications. Consequently, these tips are 400% tighter than ordinary pipette tips.

Features And Perks:

⮚ High-Quality pipette tips that ensure better extraction of liquids

⮚ Carry out all the protocols with confidence

⮚ Have the right fit with every experiment

⮚ Available in a wide range of formats like non-filtered pipettes, and filtered pipettes.

⮚ The tips go through a strict checking process making them free of RNA, DNA, Pyrogen, and ATPs.

What is LTS?
The Most Comfortable Pipette that Prevents Fatigue to Ensure You Maintain Accuracy and Precision All Day Long

Rainin LTS Tips ;dramatically reduce high tip ejection forces, decreasing or eliminating laboratory RSI risk.

The cylindrical shaft & tip design reduces tip ejection forces

Lower forces mean freedom from tired hands.

Tips seal reliably and consistently without excessive force.

LTS Reduces Tip Ejection Forces by 85%.

In traditional conical tip/shaft designs, tip ejection forces can be as high as 10kg, with an average of 4kg.

Tip ejection force is only 0.6kg with LTS.

Consistent Seal First Time, Every Time

The LTS cylindrical shaft & tip design produces a reliable, consistent seal without excessive force.

The LTS tips are thin-walled and incorporate a small, well-defined seal area and a positive ‘stop’. This ‘stop’ lets you know exactly when the seal is made – so there is no need to ‘jam’ or pound the shaft onto the tip.

LTS Pipettes Solve Common Multichannel Problems

Consistent sample loading.

Leak-free and reliable seal without hand tightening- first time, every time.

NO nozzle o-rings: no breakage, no maintenance, no sample contamination, no problems.

LTS pipettes and tips cost no more than standard pipettes and tips. So don't miss out on your opportunity to switch to the benefits of LTS.
pytanie zadane 9 czerwca 2022 w Ekologia i rolnictwo przez użytkownika as852120 (150)

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland