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to jest opis domu :)Hi Wiktoria!How are you?I'm writting to you because i want to describe you new house of my parents in which I live with my sister too.This new house is located twenty kilometres from the centre of Warsaw.Is worth to mentioned that near the house there is a beautiful forest and a Zegrzyński lake.Neighbourhood is beautiful and quiet. The house has three floors,is bright and have a pretty garden.My room is located the first floor,beside there is room of my sister and bedroom of my parents.On the main floor there is a spacious and cosy living room. with kitchen and bathroom.On the second floor is a big open space we keep equipment and musical instruments.Very close by there is a big forest where it is possible do pick the mushrooms and berries or just to have a walk.My house is very modern and well furnished.Suitable for me and i didn't want to move out of it ever.Best,XYZ
pytanie zadane 2 października 2013 w Inne przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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