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Jak dobrze poprawic ten tekst z języka angielskiego?

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Oto ten tekst:Last summer a British family _________ (cieszyc się/ rozkoszowac się) a holiday in France when their car suddenly ___________ ( to break down ). They ___________ (nie umiec/ nie móc ) get the spare parts, so they _had_to_ (musiec ) leave their car where it was -in a small French village.They _______ (nie mówic) French -so they _______ ( czuc/ czuc się) very pleased when they another Briton -called Tom."We _don't_know_ (not know) what to do!" they told Tom. "Our holiday here is almost over, but now our car ___________ (to break down). If we ______ (not get) to Boulogne in time, we'll miss the boat back to England!"After the nice Briton Tom __________ (przynosic) them to the next train station, they (umiec -nie:can) arrive at the ferry in calais on time.At home in London they noticed that someone ________ (posyłac/ wysyłac) them the picture of their car in France. It _had_been_standing_ (stac) for two days in the little French village, before a mechanic _________ (reperowac) it and ______ (jeździc) it to car park."How _are_we_able_to_get_ (to be able to/we/ to get) it back to Britain?" the mother asked. "We ______ (wiedziec) our car for some time now. I think we _needn't_ (nie potrzebowac) worry about it. I'm sure, this nice French mechanic ________ (to find) a solution to our problem" the father answered. "I know thing ______ (to be) a lot easier if we _had_ (to have) our car right now, but I let's hope for the best!"
pytanie zadane 23 czerwca 2013 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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