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Sprawdzi mi ktoś recenzję z Angielskiego?

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To jest recenzja filmu którą miałam napisać na angielski. Możecie mi napisać gdzie ewentualnie mam dokonać zmian i popraw?„Now is good” is the best movie I have seen. The film is about Tessa, a girl who is dying of leukaemia and tries to enjoy her remaining life as much as she can. The girl with the help of her best friend Zoey make a list of things she wants to do before she dies. One of the things from the list is have a boyfriend and be happy with him as long as it is possibly. At some point she meets Adam. He is young, good-looking boy who fall in love with her. Tessa’s father says boy true about his daughter cause he hopes that Adam disappears from the life of the girl. She feels amazing when she spends time with her boyfriend and she seems to be in very good condition but suddenly turns out to be very bad with her health. She will die soon. Tessa goes to the hospital and at the same time Adam does others things from the list and when the girl goes out from the hospital she sees that her dreams come true. It is really beautiful, sad and heartbreaking story about tragedies that meet people.
pytanie zadane 10 czerwca 2013 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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