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0 głosów
This is hellAshes of a fantasyWe were chasing down a dreamBut now I'm waving a white flagSo will you let it rest in peaceLet it beJust a fading melody in your headCause I'm waving a white flagI am better without youWithout youSo I'm breaking up my heart in twoGetting rid of every part of youWe are standing in a burning field of cloverI'm breaking up my heart in twoLet it wither into deja vuI'll be hiding in the storm until it's overWithout youThis is hellProduct of your apathyLosing sight of what is realBut now I'm waving a white flagSo will you let it rest it peaceLet it beJust a fading memory in your headCause I'm waving a white flagSo I'm breaking up my heart in twoGetting rid of every part of youWe are standing in a burning field of cloverI'm breaking up my heart in twoLet it wither into deja vuI'll be hiding in the storm until it's overWithout youWhen it's over, it is overPut a rest to it, put a rest to it x3It is overSo I'm breaking up my heart in twoGetting rid of every part of youWe are standing in a burning field of cloverI'm breaking up my heart in twoLet it wither into deja vuI'll be hiding in the storm until it's overWithout you
pytanie zadane 31 stycznia 2020 w Muzyka i rozrywka przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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Agile Software Development Team Poznan Poland