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jeśli tekst jest nie zrozumiały w pełni proszę pytać wyjaśnię, bo wiem iż niektóre zdania mogą być dziwne The place was pretty big and very dirty. Oil and paint stains were everywhere and everything were simply  dirty and  dusty. However  the machines from car workshop and parts of the old cars and  other machines were strange clean. However   this machines weren't using  throught a very long time . Everything because that owner  of this place and his staff   had not any  orders. Until today when mystery man who called himself Mr. R visited  them.  Now  their  boss and Mr R had business meeting  in the office -Ok mr. R, so what exactly should I do with your car-  Mr. R looked at him and he replied:- You should Change it in the fastest object in the universe, the costs hasn't any matters.- Baron Highway looked at him a bit surprised.- It's hmm...original request  . Can I asked you why you want it?- Mr. R only nodded and he explain. - Someone is beliving that he is faster than me. I  must show him that he hasn't right. - Ok I understand but it's not small exaggeration.- Mr. R slowly shook his head and  stated very seriously.- No. I know him he was very fast and I must be faster than him... - After a few seconds he added. - If it will be necessarily  I'm ready give you more money - Calm down buddy . I love good races and I will do this for only a money on this desk. - Mr. R again nodded and said:- My car is waiting on the outdoor. I need it  this sunday.- After this words he turned  and went out.  Baron Highway stayed alone in his office after a few second off deep thoughtful he put up phone which was  on his desk and called to Turbine who  came to him after a few minutes still in a special gloves with she using to transport heavy objects like a   metalic chests. Now she took them off and  she put it on the  desk. - And what, boss?-Well you see this money- Turbine nodded and she asked- So what we have to do with  his car.- Baron sighed and he said- Nothing  hard,  only we have to changed  it into the fastest object in the universe. – Turbine looked at him like she will asking him” are you going crazy, it’s totally imposible”  but she only asked- So I must bring this car here where it is?- On the outdoor. Our customer don’t said where it's exacly. But you probably wil don't have a problem with finding it.- After this word  turbine wanted to went out
pytanie zadane 13 listopada 2018 w Edukacja przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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